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Option paid long videos

Option paid long videos

1. (Video duration 22.03 min
This strategy talks about stocks having same open & low for the day. If it's ltp is still not far from it's  day high, then it is strong to buy.
You can buy nearest out of money call@day high.
Vice versa
if open-high is same and ltp is near day's low then we can buy put@day high.
ये स्ट्रेटेजी एकदम समान ओपन -लो के स्टॉक का कॉल खरीदने और
एक समान ओपन - हाई  के स्टॉक के पुट को खरीदने को डिटेल में बताती है ताकि ट्रेडर छोटी छोटी गलतियों के बड़े लॉस ना उठाये,
बल्कि प्रैक्टिस करके जीवन भर डेली 2-4हजार का प्रॉफिट लेते रहे.

2 Video duration 27.33 min
This strategy  is all time useful strategy.
We will see strongest sector & weakest sector.
Then see strong  stock with right strike price from option chain with good trading volume in chosen call option.
In the same way see weakest stock of weak sector to buy put for nearest out of money strike price with fair volume.
इस वीडियो में हम स्ट्रांग और वीक सेक्टर के स्टॉक की ऑप्शन चैन स्टडी करना सीखते है.
सही स्ट्राइक प्राइस के कॉल पुट सही वॉल्यूम देखकर खरीदते है. यहाँ तक कि बाइंग -सेलिंग का टाइम तक समझाया गया है.
30 दिनों तक इसको प्रैक्टिस करके अगले 30 सालों तक रोज़ प्रॉफिट बनने वाला है.
यह ऑप्शन  ट्रेडिंग की सबसे बेसिक और दमदार मेथड है.

3.Video duration 36.03 min
long straddle for positional stock option.
We see monthly  loser & gainer in nifty 100 stocks.
We buy a big premium call & half premium put for monthly  loser stock, because  a short covering is expected before further downfall in scrip,which can increase call premium by 100-200% in single day upmove.
In the same way
We buy big premium put & half of that put for monthly gainer and wait till 10th of month.
रनिंग एक्सपायरी के पहले दो हफ़्तों में हम मंथली लूज़र स्टॉक के बड़ी प्रीमियम वाला नियर स्ट्राइक प्राइस वाला कॉल खरीदते हैं और साथ में खरीदेंगे,
उसकी आधी प्रीमियम वाला पुट.
उसी तरह मंथली गेनर स्टॉक का बिग प्रीमियम पुट और हाफ प्रीमियम कॉल खरीदकर 10 तारीख तक कोई बड़ा मूवमेंट आने पर दोनो को एक साथ सेल कर 15-20% प्रॉफिट बुक कर सकते हैं.

4.Video duration 23.50 min
New 52week high or low strategy for long straddle of stock option 2-15days period.
we see many stocks making reaction high month by month in a bull run,
many stock making new low month by month even in a bull market.
We are taking benefit of this fact with 100% safe strategy.

5.Video duration 15.20 min
Third week strategy.
Here we see strongest sector and stock,
But instead of buying an OTM call@high,
we shall sell an OTM put@day's low.
It needs lot of capital (margin required for a future contract )
In the same way we can write or short sell
Weakest stock of weak sector's OTM call@day's low.
Premium decay is more likely in last 2 weeks of month near expiry.

6.Video duration 33.39 min
This strategy is positional cum intraday strategy.
We shall see monthly loser &  monthly gainer.
See 5 day high low from moneycontrol or google chart.
Keep regular stoploss buy & sell order at 5 day highest high and lowest low.
Trade will activate hardly once or twice a week but profit will be safe & big.
Keep 10% trailing stoploss after trade.
Keep buy once again if SL hit once.

7.Video duration 12.14 min
Butterfly strategy  for banknifty option.
We are selling near OTM call & put to get benefit of premium decay.
But if there is a sudden big move either  side,it might cause unlimited loss.
So remain safe,
We shall keep stop loss buy in far out of money call & put both.

8.Video duration 27.04 min
This strategy is focussing on call & put showing maximum  open interest with increasing  premium.
This is specially useful to track big moves in midcap  and smallcap stock options which move once in a quarter.

9.Video duration 30.50 min
This video is based on applied  technical  analysis for equity cash,future or option.
If any stock is showing positive breakout after a long range,then call option may be bought.
If there is negative breakout then put option  may be bought with 10% stoploss of premium twice only.

10.Video duration 27.32 min
Single trade at a time stock option strategy.
We are using last 4 days sector study and price chart of stocks with reversal.
we may use moneycontrol oi increse price rise for timely updation.
Placing the order @9.15am, just at the opening and booking within 2 minutes,
Whether it is profit or loss.

11.Video duration 7.05 min
Traders who are unable to study technical, may take support  of earnometer.Com website to see bullish or bearish stocks for making positional buying in call on dips. (7 minute video )

12.Video duration 10.36 min
OI increase price rise from profit.Ndtv website. If it is not getting updated timely.
You can use 2 more websites.
keep SL buy in calls of 2 strong stocks and put of 2weak stocks at day's high.
Stoploss & target booking will be immediate as per intraday trading style.

13.Video duration 5.03 min
Decrease in OI strategy  for reversal.
We can sell call of any stock moving upside since last 3 days.
Still the price increasing due to momentum but OI started decresing,
Then sell the Near OTM call with small stop loss twice.
In the same way
Sell the put of stock falling sine last 3 days.
(Video duration 5 03 minutes)

14.Video duration 12.25 min
Stock option  intraday strategy  by seeing result calender.
When there is result on some particular day,do not make position either side on the basis of estimate.
We should keep SL buy@high in call/put.

15 Video duration 7.50 min
Bank nifty weekly expiry strategy.
Sell far out of money call and put in bank nifty  with enough premium to accomodate  a fair profit.
we should sell it after 2-3 days consecutive  big moves either side e.g. upside  or downside.

16.Video duration 28.06 min
Option trading anywhere with smartphone.
This video gives demo for trading with smartphone  in stock &  bank nifty option.
See 11.30 tp 1.30pm range.
Put stop loss buy & sell in 2strong  & 2weak stock of that day,
And in bank nifty &  nifty as well.
When any of above scrip breaks the range.
Buy call or put with nearest strike price with 10% SL of premium.

17.Video duration 21.23 min
Midday range breakout (11 30 to 1.30pm )
Strategy  part2
This video tells the details  to manage this strategy  with minimum capital.
Otherwise  placing order in various  stock option might need a lot of capital.
Capital is the biggest problem of online trader specially option traders.


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