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Why stop it?

Why stop it?

Many disadvantages for merchants prevent an unpalatable word. When the phone calls the broker, our soul starts rocking. S & L - The sound comes from the sounds we walk around in the procession.
Then came the chance to call quarterly images less broker.

Stop the hawk is too much.
2nd S & P Then, broken, applied to silver ran and Cidane was us.
2 times Silver has not only gone down, put a stop and came again.
You've gained and forgot to stop you now.
Silver closed off the third month without a closed loss above 1500 points. On the new book, there is a whole balance. Therefore, waiting for it to open 2500 points in the morning, the broker's headquarters headquarters, the communication arm stood united. Czech rebels brought more than a million.

And remember to shut down and try again. It would not have such a big hole for filling, which it seems like a dream, to prevent the 5000/10 were better.
Lot will come through a plus one at the top of the movement or at the bottom of the 300 PT 400 PT closed. In an advanced way of making a stop -teknikl support, there was 600 points below, S & L.

As permitted by our capital, S.L. That is another way of general understanding. One trade can not be closed if my capital is 50,000, 1% (500 / -).

Our usual understanding is to find the advanced ways to put a stop to the time number 'small on what great work we do, in which the third way.

Now, in the S-100 PTL, the silver min (5 kg) s contains 3 micros (3 kg) then the small 150 PT. They just stop brake and do not think it anymore. Pure, Physics are 5 business trades, up to 150 PT's 3 sl. Made it 450 / - for losses.
If profit was 2 300-400 PT business profit of 600 -700 PT.
Net 200 PT earned.

Is there so much disturbance from the meaning of 200 PT?
Every business in the world, 80% spent, and days and 20% profit is sent to profit.
So here is the benefit of all the days.

(Art) skills you can repeat everyday and do not trust in the good and bad markets, which tells them to do.
The emotional breakdown is, which is remembered on the redemption at the same stop loss. We have taught people about 8500 expansion business in the last 11 years. Let us preach to all
We also had a lot to learn, because each one has its own experience valuable and unique.
When we ask about 30-year-old traders' stop losses to 5 -5, it's taking years to put that learning off.

But now the business has put a stop here and sometimes break SNAP, putting off the first breath. Now the man would not be harmed, why is living here for 30 years.

Call us for feedback
Pankaj Jain
MONEYGURU 8381021346


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