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Biggest Trading Mistakes -

Biggest Trading Mistakes -

1. Whenever a stop goes off, it is wrong to trade within 10 minutes again.

Think nickel came from 880 to 877 and got 3 pt to S. T. Tod and you got out of your mouth.
On 876, you gave a short sale kerala, in 10 minutes 879 will come and then take SL.
If this happens then you will get entangled for the entire day and will trade a trade without SLA.
The same trade will give a loss of 5000.

What's right
If you have slipped at 6 o'clock, then do another trade at 2.00 pm Earlier, now 60% is the chance that the wave of sales will come.

2. It is a mistake to love or hate a commodity.

If you have earned a lot of silver in 2 days, then do not touch it on the third day. You earn 400-400 points in two days, on the third day you will go to 1200 points in the overconfidence.

After 2 days of stop loss in crude, you removed from the screen. If you notice, it will come to know that if the two days were trapped in the range, then one day the same side will run.
Many traders say that I do gold-silver from the beginning.
I just get the same.
Sir was not born by writing boolean. When the copper-nikal goes, trade it in it, mini lot starts at the beginning. Lead -Junk, Crude-Natural Gas- Think of everyone, then a horse will run daily in intra-day and take to the floor.

3. The same thing happened today, it will be today. Do not think that at all.

Because these are all thinking and the price operator knows this.
Yes, but in the three months it has been, the same chart pattern will be repeated on a small scale.
Stop loss is not a mistake.
Technique bing came and you started trading, suddenly the market was overturned, for whatever reason, if the SL broke down, then you are not wrong at all.
If you do not stop that stop loss and wait for the right spot in the next time slot, by 9 o'clock or sometimes at 11 o'clock, you will also earn by doing loss.

4. It is dangerous to be entangled throughout the day, or in trading.

In addition to the broker in all the days, 2% people will not be able to save the profits till the evening.
There is no comfort here.
Most people dig up a loser by the afternoon and fill it up by the night. Many times they see that 5000 were engaged, covered 5000, but the 2000 brokerage + tax was leaked, he neither sees nor wants to see.
Whenever you ask for credit / debit in the account from the broker, there is a shock because of this. It comes to mind that the broker is the thief's fuckin '.
We are angry that we had to keep telling you in the middle, but there is only news of this being a father who will come and tell me. Taking the ticket is the responsibility of the traveler, not the conductor. Invoice rides only.
Yes, the phone of the profits he does daily to get a new life in death.

5. No tip or trial is free.

One of the buttons sends a pressed message and people get a free trial by different names of the people becoming smarter. If the money is found somewhere then let them run silently and then they call, then you stop the loss. The brother who put the phone stop on the loser, he would put it before trading. No one comes out of the phone and takes money.
In two to four years, millions went, but the man did not understand how many times 2 lakhs went into cleverness of 20000.
If the money is given to the tipper, then sleep will not bring money, try to understand its work, even if it will slip, you will get the support of earning.
Frequently negative phone calls to the trader is a loss, the tipper is human, the stress will entangle him, the work will get worse for you.

In the next post

6. Do not hold the tail of the target and do not sleep until the stop loss.

7. Diwali - Aik Tee comes once a year, but the store opens every day.

8. My business is small, I just do it for time passes.

9. How much profit and profit will I make daily?

10. Do not waste enough weeks or months - This is also the case and the trader will have to go through it.

11. All stop losses will be broken, more and more losses? Counting becomes a trading plan and stick to it. You will win and you will earn a lifetime.

12. I do not have a net connection. I trade on the phone. Do not make a small lot on the box.
 I have been trading for three years, I do not need training. Just call.



  1. informative stuff shared by you. The biggest mistake done by the trader while trading is to enter in the market without having a strong trading plan. First a trader should complete market research then start trading. For better performance a trader can use demo trading account. Many leading advisors provide free trial for their trading services jut like stock trading tips, binary option trading tips or many more, a trader can go for free trial also.


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