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5000/- in 5 minute stock market day trading

Stock  market opens at 9.15am.
Keep  an eye on last 3-5days move in nifty index.
Then keep  eye on sector and stocks. Buy top gainers of nifty/nifty midcap abv high and sell top losers at low.
Book fast in 3-5 minutes till 9.20am.
High volume with low margin is right approach  for this time.
But it can bé practiced with low  volume  first.
The same approach  is more suitable in 3.25-3.29pm time slot.
Intraday support  and resistance are very clear to see after full day's move.
This is good for equity cash first, then it can be applied for options as well.

Www. Speedearning. In
Www. Speedearning. Com


  1. Very interesting and beneficial information you have shared here for the beginners as well as existing traders. Equity Trading Tips

  2. Such a useful points you shared in your content.Day trading needs high level of expertise and market knowledge. It involves high level of risk, only risk capital can be invested.
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  4. Indian shares fell on Friday, after touching record highs for four straight sessions, dragged down by financials such as State Bank of India and ICICI Bank Ltd.

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