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More than enough " secret of abundant financial freedom

More than enough?
I got financial freedom at the age of 40 only.
I kept observing all my seniors, colleagues and juniors too to confirm traditionally prevailed assumptions of future & security.
My father was having limited resources.
He was at very good post to accumulate a lot  in the name of children's future.
But he always felt more than enough.
Now I see that it has become a solid reality.
He could invest love, shared knowledge & time with family which gave real returns.
See my video with my father published on
21 April.
I too ran behind money for some years,but I felt it like a big misconception.
I thought that I will be more loved by my family after financial success because all of our nears & dears have been talking about career & money all the time.
But my success created a new distance only.
May be it was lack of time or I lost my tolerance what I had earlier at the time of struggle.
I lost my well earned money once in middle of my career .
I had to spend 2-3 years without work ,money and illusionary social satisfaction.
It was scary in the beginning but it felt normal after some period.
All cold goes after first minute of cool shower. Saari thand ek lota pani Tak he.

When no one gives you a fuck,then you have time to do things of last priority.
I went to few meditation camps,I read new things and worked on my health too.
I felt that it should have been my first priorities but traditional assumptions keep you running all the time whether you feel that ok or not.
I kept noticing my wealthy friends but there problems were increasing with accumulation.
So it is essential to learn that when and where to stop.
This is a very personal question?
Answer depends on your background.
There is very little motivation there for money only.There are always some emotional urge hidden behind every big success story.
More than enough feeling gave me real boost.
I could come to Mumbai & then Goa with emotional reasons only otherwise I couldn't sustain struggle of change.

I tried to become professional at every milestone but that troubled my natural growth every time.
Then I learned to go with flow & felt more than enough.
It gives a lot of patience to reach the right answers and those answers are capable to create magic actually.


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