Many TRADERS may not be happy with both side hedging. They want to go with simple one side trades. One should décide number of trades and amount of total stoploss. Go to See some technical idea of direction from few websites like in. Investing. Com or earnometer. Com. Say if it is silver we are going with 60pt stop loss in three différent time slots. So total risk is 180pt Only. But we may lose profit opportunity in opposite side. See technical indicators first without any pressumption. Otherwise you may be trapped in continuous buying or continuous selling. If you are not occupied with lot of data already, you maybe quite spontaneous in choosing any trade. reaction time & stress will be minimum which will help you to trade easily with smallest stop loss. You can trade nifty at any point of range breaking with just 6 pt stop loss and can have 30 point target. You can trade at particular suggested timing.Trade at 9.54am/1.29pm/2.29pm for example with smallest possib...
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