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Showing posts from May, 2015


If you expect reversal today, it doesn't happen tomorrow, it is gap down again & you lost all your hope and market will reverse suddenly from there. When there is no hope to reverse after continuous fall,it will be definite reversal. So go ahead with "double stop loss strategy" or hedging with call & put. Nifty was supposed  to reverse from  8500, it fell to 8400-8300-8200 all became hopeless, If you bought there@8500 single side without hedging that was one mistake Now you think selling single sided@8100 nifty future level, that is same mistake repeated. 9754381469 9619748433

do not cost average stockwise but marketwise+capitalwise(worst mistake to cause unending loss

Do not cost average any stock, because you bought at higher levels.  If any boat is drowning,then what should be done? Shall  we take some people out of the boat? or shall we make sit some more people in that boat? If some stock is going weak,then reduce position in that stock and re invest that money in some better stock at better market level. Invest more money in different sectors to increase your chances. Do not carry wrong decision.Mistakes are obvious in ever changing market. Recognize mistakes and do not repeat those mistakes. Traders are known to bring dead along to home and to bury alive there only.   "Murda ko ghar le aate hai aur zinda ko gaad aate hai." means they hold loss making shares for long time and keep selling profit making share very early. If you are watching any loss making stock regularly,it will give you a daily depression and you will buy more shares frequently on higher prices. If you want best price of anything,learn to ...