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Showing posts from July, 2013


SERIES ORDER STRATAGY So many times we know that some commodity will go up,but it's stoploss is so big that we don't dare to enter. suppose today silver is running 41700(around 1.5% ATP is 41200 If we buy here, our stoploss will be 500pt. we can double our profit and reduce frustration in same risk. buy silver@41650 sl100pt buy silver@ 41450 SL41350 BUY SILVER@41250 SL41150 ( use chart of any commodity in ODIN trading software.(ctrl+i) and place buying according to chart levels in double clicked enlarge chart. We place all this order in advance with strict stoploss. We are saving STOPLOSS Of 200pt. We can buy 2lots in bottom to get double profit. If any commodity goes below after crossing ATP ,then do not buy further. Same stratagy is applicable in NG buy NG 211.8 sl211.4 buy NG 210.8 sl210.4 IF 210.4 is ATP, then we are not placing any buying below that. CAUTION- We are placing so many orders in series,so order mana...


SHIFTING TARGET COMPLEX When market gives you big losses, it create such trap with many small profits. suppose you bought silver @40000 to sell @40,200(for 200points only) but it went straight to 40350,  you were surprised,thought to sell but someone told to hold or someone bought here for target 40800. it went to 40500, You were here for 200 pt and now getting 500pt. but not thinking to sell at all. Now silver takes a breather of 0.5% means 200pt & comes 40300. you are still in profit, but you will not sell right now,you will place selling order@40400. now silver slips to 40,050, No profit left now,But loss is also not there. One can exit easily with no loss, but  profit goes not alone, it goes with your capital. When we trade less, our mind may follow our plan & principles, when we start over trading, all plans fail, We don't remember anything. So if day ends with -1500, then accept it with cool mind, ...

Intraday trading video course part 2

intraday trading video course part 2 Posted by  Pankaj Jain   at  10:48   No comments:  This video lesson contains very important points of intraday trading in both english & hindi . listen and practice this daily.Then go ahead,otherwise this lectures will be useless. You should improve your speed on keyboard.Some fellows are still trading with dabba trading (illegal trading ) or legal subbroker on phone. If one had lost 2lacs and he could't arrange computer & internet in his own hands,then is he right? If  he would have given 5000/- monthly salary to any operator than it would have costed 60,000/- only in a year.Calculate seriously ,due to trading over phone we are missing opportunity of atleast 2000/- daily or hitting SL .Time lag is there ,dependency is also there. If you are not on the screen, then you can trade in mini lot over the phone. Otherwise you learn all ODIN/NOW trading operations.We are giving full training. E...

ADVERSE TRADING- small but frequent profit

ADVERSE TRADING When market is  range bound or even in extreme picks , this method is useful. Normal tendency of trader is to buy in buying market and to sell in selling market. But in adverse trading we are going just opposite. If market is moving in range, suppose nickel is in 810-815range, we can buy when it is coming down with just 2pt sl. buy 811sl809 book@814. and sell near 815.sell814 sl816 book at 811. your brokerage cost should be less for this. if range breaks,then go for single new direction. In extreme moves,suppose crude moved from 5260 to 5340.ATP is 5290. then you can sell crude @high 5340 sl5345. this SL may hit in 10sec,then sell it @ new high (say 5357 SL5362 try it 3 times with total 15pt risk . If  you become imotional when number of Sl hit ,then this method is not for you. Do not repent and do not react. If we planned for +1500 max stoploss,then stop immidiately and leave the screen. See chart of any commodity, sup...


STOCK MARKET/MCX INTRADAY TRADING                  डे ट्रेडिंग प्रिंसिपल    PART 1 1. ठीक 9.15AM पर हर हाल में टर्मिनल स्क्रीन के सामने खड़े रहे ।यहाँ 5 मिनट का फर्क भी बड़ा है । 2. मार्केट खुलते हि स्क्रीन के राइट अपर कार्नर पर सेंसेक्स या निफ्टी रीडिंग 11485 (-285) है यानि सेंसेक्स 285 प्वाईनट्स निचे है।मार्केट मायनस में है तो हमे तेजी नही करना है । 3. डे ट्रेडर दो तरीके से पैसा कमा सकता है ।तेजी करके यानि कम रेट में शेयर खरीदकर ज्यादा रेट में बेचना।प्लस के मार्केट में तेजी ठीक है। 4. पहले 8 -10 मिनट में सूचकांक (निफ्टी-सेंसेक्स ) के साथ स्क्रीन को वाच करते रहे।स्क्रीन पर सामने 20 - 25  कंपनीज के शेयर्स नजर आते है।           जब शेयर बढ़ता है तो ब्ल्यू या ग्रीन कलर में नजर आता है।घटता है तो रेड कलर में नजर आता है।खरीद या बयिंग से शेयर प्राइज बढती है।बिकवाली या सेलिंग से शेयर प्राइज घटती है।तेजी में शेयर ज्यादा देर ब्ल्यू में होता हे,थोड़ी देर में रेड में।मंदी में शेय...

GOLDM hedging on 17 july (bullriding story)

GOLDM  hedging on 17 july (bullriding story) There was a tight range since last 8 trading days. many small stoplosses hit. Number of stoplosses makes all trader hopeless,even amount is not so big. Today we finally decided to focus on single commodity with hedging. first of all We bought aug 2goldm @26600 SL26565(35pt sold sep 2goldm @26590 SL26620 (stoploss 30pt it was -700 risk any side. goldm jumped 30pt up & hit the SL . AT 11.05AM It was the time to book profit in 1 aug BUY and to sell 1 sep again with 30pt sl. means selling at 26630 sl26660. But this movement was very fast.slow traders & traders over phone reacted when Aug goldm came down to 26580 near buying SL of 26565. We told to sell sep goldm again with 40pt sl. then GOLDM came down to 26550 . This low was touched 2-3 times from 12.15pm to 1.55pm. It hit sl of 26565 in aug buy. Till this time loss in 1 lot buy-350 Gain in 1lot sell +300 If you did not book profit in 1 b...


HOW TO HANDLE HEDGING? Hedging means protection of your capital. Many traders are buying july silver and selling august silver with NO STOPLOSS. That is not hedging in our opinion. Because even after 5000 point movement you will not get anything. When you are closing one side,other side becomes naked risk. So hedging should be with maximum 0.5% stoploss  bothside. If you are taking 200pt SL in july buy & august sell Silver moves 1% in any direction, then you will get 500pt in one direction and -200pt sl in other direction. Net profit+300pt. It is not essential that you are getting profit everytime in hedging. sometime It moves 200pt in one side and reverses to hit SL in other side. In such case, If you have hedging of 2 lots july buy & 2 lots aug sell Sl hit one side suppose buy side then atleast buy 1 lot again with same sl. the rule is- 1keep open both side till desired profit OR 2.close both sides when 1 sl hits. ...


SEE THIS VIDEO for resistance & support level understanding. You will see such new lessons minimum 2-3 times in a week. See charts of all commodities at some special timing- 1.55pm,2.30pm,6.30pm 7.30pm,8.30pm,9.30pm. this timing shows some sudden movements in running trend. CALL US FOR FEEDBACK PANKAJ JAIN MONEYGURU WWW.SPEEDEARNING.IN CALL FOR TRAINING & SURE TIPS 09754381469 09713266391 PLZ TELL US HOW DO YOU FEEL TO SEE THIS VIDEO?  GIVE YOUR KIND SUGGESTIONS TO MAKE THESE BETTER.


TRENDLINE TRENDLINE is a line made by joining picks(high) made in a price chart or by joining bottoms(low) . RESISTANCE - When price of any scrip can't go up above a certain level,then it is called resistance. It happens due to big selling force on a particular price.A scrip has various resistance level for a period of time(time frame).Say silver is @cmp40,200 then R140450, R2-40680, R3-40860 R3 can be said OVERBOUGHT level,where fresh buying may be risky. SUPPORT -When price of any scrip can't go down below a certain level,then it is called support. In above given example of silver S1 may be-40250, S2-40030,S3-39880.  S3 can be said OVERSOLD level,where fresh selling may be risky. What is fresh buying/selling? When any commodity falls by 6% and short sellers book their profit,then price may bounce by 1-2%.Price can't be stable here,It goes down again. This buying is called" SHORTCOVERING ". If  FRESH BUYING  is there ,then ...

DOUBLE STOPLOSS STRATAGY in intraday/online trading

DOUBLE STOPLOSS STRATAGY whenever is big down fall in market or lower circuits there,trader is in great confusion. Rate seems very attractive.He buys 2-3 times but SL hit all the time. He thinks that SL can be avoided once and he may be trapped in 2000pt loss in single evening. When you see silver or gold is weak,then sell it with strict stoploss. But what about the bounce back which comes on every bottom. If you are selling only in bottom,then a stoploss of 200-300pt will hit in bounceback. Trader is not losing this 200-300pt at this time, He is losing the rare opportunity of 1500-2000pt bounceback. In  DOUBLE STOPLOSS METHOD If  silver is running 40300 (-2.5%) and average is 40500. Then sell it @40300 (1lot) & keep stoploss of 2lots above average 40500. If there is bounceback of 800pt then 200pt will go in stoploss and +600pt will remain in profit. This method is useful especially in extreme picks & valleys(bottom) ...


TRADING PSYCHOLOGY A trader is not losing due to lack of technical knowledge.A loss making trader is having lack of common sense only. Common sense comes from regular observation, finding mistakes & not to repeat these again. A trader starts trading very lightly. He gets profit by chance.It happens because he is fearless in beginning. When he earns 3000 in 1 day,he simply calculate 25*3000=75000monthly income. he gets more than planned profit in first week. He becomes very cofident and fearless. It is hard to understand for him that what is the problem in trading with old traders? Then suddenly market reverses and shows its quarterly stormy movements,which are undefinable and out of all the calculation for this new trader. He loses more than all his profit(earned in weeks) in just 3days. But still he is hopeful to see good chances back,but a deep fear is planted within. If he had lost 1lac,then he wants to recover this 1 lac in next week. He...

Mutual Funds~A to Z

CAGE STRATAGY to trap the profit

CAGE STRATAGY  Most ignored fact of the market is- market movement is rangebound for 75% of total time. That's why it is difficult to wait for remarkable move in screen. 80% movement happens in 20% time. So moves are sudden & sharp.You may be watching screen from 10am to 5pm and waiting for movement. you took a tea break from screen for 10minutes and found that silver has gone up by 1000pt in last 10minutes. So minute to minute watching is not the solution. We need stratagy . CAGE - We are catching the trade like a mouse trapped in a cage. Silver was falling down last week.It went 38800 from 42000. Now it is risky to sell in bottom & tough to buy after seeing such free fall. say on that day low was 38550 & high was 39200. So we put a stoploss BUY above high and stoploss SELL below low. Bcoz movement in any direction will be very big & spontaneous. Silver suddenly bounced back on friday28 jun.  It was in tight range from 38600-39000 since...


HOW TO CHOOSE RIGHT COMMODITY ON any DAY? It is most essential to choose right commodity for trading on any day. If you are trading in wrong commodity (crude today after 3days upmove) You will remain frustrated in waiting & other commodity will pour the money on others. Some fellows are bound to gold-silver only & some are bound to copper-nickel only. It is not good for regular intraday profit. If silver has shown good moves for 2-3consecutive days,then it has to be rangebound & volatile on next day.So come out of hangover of a partylike move on time. Without any prior assumption. You just see the screen with focus. We are giving a real example here - on 27jun2013, all market was very negative. But NICKEL remained in plus till evening. Choose any such scrip which is falling down very less in good falling market, That scrip will go up in small reversal of negative market. BUY THAT. viceversa, Any scrip which is not moving up in good upside of...