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Showing posts from June, 2013

commodity trading part 1+2

CONNECT TO US ON GTALK AND SHARE THE SCREEN LESSON ON "SHOW MY PC" OR "TEAMVIEWER" What is most important to earn in mcx /stock market trading? 1.Two things are most important Technicals- to understand basic direction of chart Discipline - time discipline+ Target discipline Whenever a big up /down movement comes,it attract all the traders back.when traders come back to trade,it becomes rangebound again. Just notice last fridays free fall. Then very dull movement on sat,monday and tuesday morning. When 90% trader became hopeless,it just moved up 2000pts in 4 hrs. 2.Beginners are hyperactive.they  try to trade on every up & down. Mature trader choose 10 trades in a week. If chance goes,its ok,but capital should not go away. So calculate number of trade and stop losses u can afford. Suppose there is a positional buy call in nickel abv 1052 sl 1034(18pt=4500)tgt1100 A small trader can't afford it but he wants to. ...


There are 2 types of analysis in commodity/stock or any screen based trading market like currency-forex. 1.FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS- It tells us - WHAT to buy/sell. It depends on actual demand & supply.It will discuss production,demand,inventory & govt. policies. Main tools used in this analysis are data & facts. It helps to understand mainly short term or positional move in coming months & years. It is more complicated,time consuming & less useful in daily trading. 2.TECHNICAL ANALYSIS- It tells us - WHEN to buy/sell. It depend on buyers & sellers,who are more affected by recent sentiments instead of actual demend & supply. main tools are CHARTS- CHART shows movement of price & volume  with time. Main types of charts are- line chart Line chart shows UPTREND when line is going up.Downtrend with RED line. When price neither goes up nor down and bound in range,then it is called SIDEWAYS. Candlestick chart Candlestick shows min...


What to do,when any commodity slips in lower circuit? or upper circuit. silver fell 4% in afternoon,then it slipped to 6%. Many traders who are waiting for buying since days, bought silver on first fall (-1000pt & it fell further -2300pt.All traders felt then totally trapped.     Do not have any prior assumption for BUY or SELL in any commodity. Do what,chart-buyer & average showing. So if silver is not coming up above AVERAGE, sellers are still 3-4times, Then keep selling it on every jump. on -4% or -6% you must open hedging both side with strict STOPLOSS. If you are in single BUYING and SL hit 2-3 times,You will not dare to buy again@right time. If we are in single side SELLING with even very small SL(50pt in gold and SL hits,It bounce up by 400pt. Then we did not lose 50pt only ,But the rare opportunity of +400pt. So think of HEDGING positively, even if it is not giving any profit in 5 times out of 10 times. TRADING TUNNEL THEORY- There ...


HOW SHOULD WE DEAL INVENTORY DATA? On wednesday, CRUDE inventory data comes@8 or 9 Pm. There is sudden sharp move @ dot 8pm. but it is difficult to predict whether it will go up or down. On theoretical basis, if inventory is less than expected,price should go up. But indian MCX market is not mature right now, So many big players manipulate it against the common concept of market. If all are expecting it to go up, It will go up 15-20 points in sharp move, all traders will trap in buying, then sudden downfall starts. This is called FROGLEAP.(If frog wants to jump further, it stretches backward it's body) So at 8pm, We have 2 ways - 1. buy JUL sell AUG crude sl 10pt both side, If sl hit in any side,open position once again in that side. OR 2.If crude crossed average just after inventory today on 19 jun it slipped down below avarage, sell it with SL above average. for NATURAL GAS, both side hedging before inventory doesn't work. @8pm It may break 2...

CRUDE ONLINE TRADING AND ROLE OF ATP(AVERAGE TRADED PRICE) in MCX TRADINGक्रूड ऑयल mcx में ऑनलाइन ट्रेडिंग कैसे करें atp से

CRUDE ONLINE TRADING AND ROLE OF ATP(AVERAGE TRADED PRICE) in MCX TRADING क्रूड ऑयल mcx में ऑनलाइन ट्रेडिंग कैसे करें atp से  Average is generally weighted average of high and low of that period. Period may be a day,week or a year. If some commodity or scrip maintaining above ATP, then it is said strong in buy side. & If it slips below average, then becomes weak (selling) say CRUDE was running today near average5720. after some struggle, it came up fairly up above 5720 with increasing buyers. Then 2 options are possible for trading- 1. buy crude@5728 sl5719 or 2. buy crude jun & sell crude july - stoploss 8 pt both side. Hedging gives us support till clarity. CRUDE ONLINE TRADING AND ROLE OF ATP(AVERAGE TRADED PRICE) in MCX TRADING क्रूड ऑयल mcx में ऑनलाइन ट्रेडिंग कैसे करें atp से  Generally 40-50pt stoploss in crude is given by tippers all over india. If you are hitting 16pt both side sl in a very bad day, then you will get 3 fair chances in sa...

stock market/mcx intraday trading part-2

 stock market/mcx intraday trading part-2 9. बॉ यिंग के तत्काल बाद अ पनी क्षमता के अनुसार निचे स्टाप लास लगाएं।जैसे 243 में  बॉ यिंग हुई है तो 239.90 पर सेलिंग आडर लगा दे ताकि शेयर निचे जाने  लगे तो 100 शेयर्स पर 300 से ज्यादा लॉस न हो।           साथ ही ऊपर 249 का सेलिंग आडर लगा दीजिए ताकि तेजी की लहर आए तो आपके शेयर बिक जाए और आपको 600 का फायदा हो जाए। 10.स्टाप लॉस लगाने के बाद भी यदि वह उड़ा नही है,एक्जिक्यूट नही हुआ है तो 242 में ही सामने से बेचकर निचे का स्टाप लॉस हटाया जा सकता है।ताकि 300 के बजाय 100/- के  लॉस में ही बाहर निकल सकें। 11. यदि छोटे से लॉस को बुक करे तो किसी भी दुसरे बढ़ते शेयर को खरीदकर लॉस कभी भी कव्हर कर   सकते है।इसी तरह शेयर 246 तक पहुचकर बार-बार पलटता है तो आप वही   शेयर बेचकर ऊपर का सोदा (249/-) हटा दीजिए । 12.कभी बढ़ता शेयर हम कम फायदे का बेच देते है।तो बाद में अफ़सोस होता है।इसलिए 246में 50शेयर बेचकर बाकि में इंतजार करके 50शेयर 10-12 रूपये ऊपर भी बेच स...

good weekdays for trading & natural gas CHART details.

MONDAY is generally a range bound day in mcx.(crude/Ng may show good move) TUESDAY also shows little move. WEDNESDAY - good move starts. CRUDE inventory@ 8 or 9 pm . THURSDAY- very big move with clarity, NG inventory@8 or 9pm FRIDAY - BIg move but volatility(sudden reversals) SATURDAY- not for trading(HALF DAY) on 17th jun  It is monday. Today NG IS SHOWING GOOD MOVE. If you see NG chart for today, you can see some particular point of time for sudden moves. FIGURE 1-2 BELOW SHOWS  1.PRODUCTION & 2.USAGE OF NG. There was a gap up opening.It was more than +0.5% and buyers more than sellers. till 2.30pm I t was tight range. @2.30pm sudden move of 1.5pt. then it became range bound again for next 1 hr. @3.55pm It gave movement of +2pt again. 4 to 6.30pm was in tight range, @6.30 it gave further positive movement. NATURAL GAS is a commodity which shows regularly big movements. But without strict stoploss it ...